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BioProcess International US West
Mark Your Calendar for BPI US West 2025!
March 18-21, 2025San Diego Convention Center

Adrian Gospodarek
Senior Scientist at Merck


Adrian Gospodarek is a Senior Scientist at Merck & Co., Inc. in the Continuous & Expression Technologies group. At Merck, he has worked on testing and developing novel downstream purification technologies and supporting downstream process development. He has also been an integral leader in bringing end to end continuous manufacturing to Merck by helping to develop Merck’s first lab scale continuous train, lead continuous batches, and transfer and support continuous processes at the manufacturing scale. Prior to his time at Merck, Adrian worked in downstream process development at Bristol Myers Squibb and received his Phd in chemical engineering at the University of Virginia studying protein unfolding on chromatographic surfaces with hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry.

Agenda Sessions

  • Automated mAb Mass Tracking in Continuous Manufacturing: an Enabler for Advanced Control of Downstream Loadings and Real Time Yield Monitoring
